7 Best Countries to Visit for Solo Travelers

Traveling with a company may be fun, but nothing beats the feeling of traveling on your own, discovering the beauty that the world has to offer.

There’s fulfillment and satisfaction in traveling solo. Something that maybe only solo travelers can understand.

According to them, one accomplishment is going out of their comfort zone. While for others, it’s the complete freedom of doing whatever they feel like doing without worrying about the happiness of another. The transformative experience will be something that will leave a mark on their life, a memory that they’ll forever cherish. However, while this can be an exciting journey for them, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Moreover, whether you wish to be alone to wander in peace or you wish to meet others as you travel, these adventures may be hard to come by when traveling with a partner.

Also, if you’ve never traveled alone before, the prospect of doing so might be intimidating. So, choosing the correct location is an essential part of learning to travel solo. Here are the best countries you can consider visiting.

7 Best Countries to Visit for Solo Travelers

South America

South America is indeed the perfect adventure location, with peaks to conquer, streams to raft, ancient sites to discover, and rainforests to wander. South America’s summertime in the northern hemisphere’s winter, making it the best season to explore Patagonia and the Andes. The region boasts something for every type of traveler, from well-trodden roads in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile to pristine forest treks in Ecuador as well as Colombia.

Don’t be intimidated by South America’s immensity; it’s excellent for solitary traveling with quick border crossings and very well-established tourist centers. In addition, the well-traveled Gringo Trail, which passes through some of the continent’s most popular attractions, guarantees frequent encounters with fellow explorers who are going in the same direction. This, along with the overall friendliness of the locals and the continent’s first-rate accommodation network, makes it a breeze for first-time solo travelers.


Source: Unsplash.com – Esmonde Young

As a multicultural community, Malaysians are able to communicate in at least two languages, one of which is commonly English. You wouldn’t have any troubles traveling to Malaysia as communication will not be an issue. Having a shared language would allow you to take part in more local activities in Malaysia and have an all-hands experience of the traditions in the country.

Many travelers include this Southeast Asian country because of their fantastic food—a fusion of Malay, Chinese, and Indian influences. There’s no shortage of dining options for every budget. Whether you like to experience eating on the streets or dining in expensive restaurants, you can take your pick, and the food will be incredible.

Malaysia offers a diverse range of travel opportunities, including cities, small villages, beaches, and highlands. Malaysia, including peninsular and Borneo, is likewise hard to top when it concerns islands, snorkeling, and off-the-beaten-path adventures. Therefore, Malaysia might be the ideal destination for your first solo vacation abroad if you want an engaging and unique cultural experience without communication barriers. However, the sun can be quite hot to handle during the day, so make sure to pack enough sunblock for your trip.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is ranked highly as a beautiful location for first-time solo travelers. Everybody speaks English, which makes most things easier for travelers. The infrastructure is excellent, with rail connections across the nation and inexpensive low-cost airlines. London adds to the United Kingdom’s rank as the finest nation for a solo vacation. It offers plenty of attractions to keep you occupied for days, is astonishingly simple to navigate, and caters to a wide range of interests.

It is simple to connect with people in London as there are countless tourists and the city is also multicultural. Simply walk into any pub, get a drink, and you’ll surely be able to strike up a discussion with anyone. Other than that, the nation also keeps its popularity due to its ease of navigation.


Source: Unsplash.com – Alex Shutin

The environmental elements within touching distance of Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, or Ontario make Canada such a magnet for solitary tourists. Canada, the world’s second-largest country, provides a diverse range of scenery, including towering hills, isolated coastlines, untamed tundra, and lush rainforests, all scattered over six time zones.

In Vancouver, Stanley Park is also a rare find. It is a city park that feels rustic yet is only a short bike ride from Granville Island, home to one of the nation’s finest street food markets. Other than that, exciting attractions in the nation include kayaking or rafting along the South Nahanni River found in the Northwest Territories. You could also try managing the waves and surfing in Nova Scotia.

Meanwhile, the outdoor is firmly etched on Canadian towns, so even the towns provide great activities for travelers who prefer outdoor activities. The adventures can be quite enthralling, and it would be best to record them. So, bring along an action camera to record all the activities throughout your trip to be kept as keepsakes and memories.


Rome’s cityscape is a multi-colored tapestry of creative flair, architectural wonders, and historical mysteries, from classical landmarks like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum to a soaring marvel of Renaissance architecture, the St Peter’s Basilica. There is always something to see here that you won’t get bored with whether you’re staying for only a few days or several months.

Even though English is not as frequently spoken as it is in other European countries, it’s difficult to feel alone among the 14 million international tourists who come to this cultural center every year. In every Rome’s fabulous eatery, solitary dining implies that you would just have to concentrate on pleasing one palate. However, keep in mind not to overbook your time in Rome as socializing with other strangers over a glass of drink at dusk is a must-do activity in this city.


Source: Unsplash.com – David Edelstein

Japan is among the most magical, mythological, and fascinating places to explore for solo travelers. Moreover, it is a remarkably safe country, with virtually minor crime, making it a particularly enticing place for those who wish to travel alone for the first time. Beyond the two major towns of Tokyo and Kyoto, the nation is varied and relatively unexplored. Mountains, island chains, delectable cuisine, a rich history, and unique cultural features entice the most intrepid tourists.

Female solo travelers may go down the street without fear of being robbed or scammed. When it comes to language barriers, Japanese people may not be well-conversed in English. However, that could easily be fixed with a translation app that you can simply install on your phone for an easier communication mode.

Language barrier aside, Japanese people are very kind and courteous, and tourists are always welcomed. On the other hand, Japan is among the costliest nations to visit and move about. Moreover, while it is well-connected, the Tokyo metro system is notorious for being like a maze where visitors may get confused. Because of these factors and the inevitable culture shock that virtually every visitor encounters, it is a fantastic location for first-time solo travelers.

The cost of living in Tokyo might make others think twice. But the incredible experience is enough to convince solo travelers to include Japan on their travel bucket list.   


There’s no doubt that Bali has a particular enchantment about it. Ubud, the island’s creative and spiritual heart, is an excellent spot for single travelers to unwind, think, and rejuvenate.

The airport serves as the main gateway to Bali. To ensure a smooth arrival, it’s advisable to check Bali airport information in advance, such as terminal details, transportation options, and any travel restrictions that may be in place. Being well-informed about the airport layout and facilities can help travelers navigate the bustling arrival process with ease, allowing them to quickly immerse themselves in the magic that awaits on the captivating island of Bali. Once you’ve landed and gathered your bearings, the first location you will encounter is Ubud.

Bali is also a year-round getaway, with summertime as the busiest period, yet quieter and more serene during wintertime. Ubud, surrounded by green rice fields and mist-wrapped hillsides, draws a lot of solitary travelers. So, you won’t receive any strange looks if you show up alone for an early yoga session or request a table for one at one of the area’s posh vegetarian cafés.

Go into one of the many health spas that populate the beautiful hills surrounding town to embrace the therapeutic force of Ubud truly. For an incredible solo travel experience, try getting up early even before the sun rises to attend a holistic lesson. You would be able to learn it all from yoga to meditation and then unwind with a relaxing massage at a well-known facility like Taksu Spa.

Indonesia is also famous for spiritual retreats. This was made even more popular after the movie Eat, Pray Love was shown. The film shows the author’s journey of self-discovery and her attempt to bring back the zest in her life after a painful divorce.  

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