7 Reasons to Celebrate New Year in Russia

Russia is one of the most beautiful countries to visit in the New Year. If you’re planning a trip and don’t know where to go this New Year then Russia is a perfect place for you to visit.

Here in this article, we will give you 7 reasons why you should celebrate New Year in Russia. Make Sure to apply for your Russian invitation and visa beforehand to make things more convenient.

7 Reasons to Celebrate New Year in Russia

Everything Covered with Snow

When you will be visiting Russia during New Year’ everything will be covered with white snow and it surely looks quite beautiful and fun. The snow experience is quite fun if you’re from a tropical country and you will surely get to play around with it. The snow surely enhances the beauty of Russia during New Year. The weather is quite bearable and you will not face any problem because of cold weather because everywhere in Russia you will find a heater to keep yourself warm.

Beautiful Decorations

Russia is known to celebrate New Year’s quite extensively. You will get to see every street decorated with lights and different ornaments. This is a view that you will only get to enjoy when you’re in Russia during New Years. All the streets are also filled with people all around. The decorations are not limited to the roads as people end up decorating their homes which surely makes the city bring up and look good.

Great Deals on Hotels

This is the time when the tourist visit frequency is comparatively low and it’s quite easy to find a good hotel to stay at anywhere in Russia. The hotels end up giving great deals on their stays in December which will help you save a lot of money on the trip. Since great deals are given out by hotels it’s attracting a lot of tourists and this is why the hotels are now getting sold out quite fast.

Celebrating 2 New Years

Russia is quite an orthodox country and they are known to celebrate Christmas on 7th January and New Year on 14th January. You will get to celebrate New Year in your home country and again go to Russia in a couple of weeks and celebrate New Year again. This is an added benefit which surely attracts a lot of people. Russia is known to have its own Santa who is Ded Moroz also known as Father Frost who plays a very important role in celebrating New Year.

Sale on Every Store

Christmas is a brand when sales are running in every store. If you’re planning to do shopping in Russia you will get some great deals on electronics, garments and almost everything. This sale is specifically for the New Year celebrations and will end as soon as New Year ends. If you’re going to Russia make sure to keep some funds separate for shopping.

Cheap Flight Tickets

When it comes to flights the prices go a bit low during New Year in Russia because all across the globe has already celebrated New Year and now prices have gone down since then. You will have to fight for cheap flight tickets as the New Year rush is already over. There are multiple flights available for Russia so getting a good deal will not be an issue.

Multiple Events 

New Year is the time when the people of Russia like to take leave from their work and have a good time. There are multiple events organized in Russia during this time which you will surely get to visit. Make sure to keep your Russian visa available when you’re going for these trips or else you will not be allowed to enter the premises. Do your proper research on all the events that are available in Russia during the time of New Year.

Russia is one of the best places to visit during the New Year and there is nothing more fun than celebrating two New Year’s and two Christmas days in one year. You can plan your New Year Russia trip from beforehand to get some great deals on flights and hotels. Always make sure to apply for your visa through an agent to avoid any kind of hassle.

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